Christmas Season Cookbook - Mamaison Hotels & Residences Winter Season Cookbook Mamaison | Page 30
Mamaison Suite Hotel Pachtuv Palace Prague, Czech Republic
Chicken liver pâté with marinated figs
Chicken liver pâté
500 g chicken liver
0.2 l red wine
Salt and pepper
1 allspice
1 rosemary sprig
500 g butter
1 egg
100 ml cream 35%
about 300 g smoked bacon
1 orange
Put the cleaned chicken livers in a bowl, pour red wine, and add
whole pepper, 1 piece of allspice, rosemary and cloves. Leave
soaked in the red wine in a fridge till the next day. Take a blender
and mix the livers with cream, butter and egg (without spices and
wine). Season the mixture with salt and pepper. Take a baking pan
and place in it the slices of smoked bacon side by side. Pour the
liver mixture. Cut the orange to slices. Put 3 slices on the mixture
and bake pâté in a water bath for 45 minutes at 130°C.
Marinated figs
2 tbl granulated sugar
500 ml red wine
1 cinnamon stick
1 star anise
Prepare caramel from the granulated sugar. Use for it a pan with
thick bottom. Pour red wine; be careful, because caramel will