Christmas Season Cookbook - Mamaison Hotels & Residences Winter Season Cookbook Mamaison | Page 20

Mamaison Business & Conference Hotel Imperial Ostrava, Czech Republic Creamy fish soup with buttered corn, Jerusalem artichoke tart, and crispy Moravian bacon Creamy fish soup: Ingredients: Directions: 2 tbl olive oil 50 g butter 2 onions, finely chopped 2 leeks, halve lengthwise and thinly sliced 3 celery stalks, thin slices 240 g corn kernels/frozen sweetcorn 200 g potatoes, peeled and diced 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 tsp salt 2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped 1 bay leaf 1 l fish broth 200 ml whipped cream 31% Melt the olive oil and butter and add the onion, garlic, leek, celery, potatoes, thyme, and bay leaf. Stir in the broth, boil until the vegetables are tender. Then add sthe weet corn and put everything into a blender, purée until very smooth and then strain through a fine sieve. In the end taste with salt and freshly ground pepper. Jerusalem artichoke tart: Directions: Ingredients: Peel the artichokes and place them in the prepared bowl with ice water and a few drops of lemon to avaoid from turning black. Fry artichokes in extra virgin olive oil and butter together with the shallots, garlic and bay leaf until it is golden brown. When it caramelised, add the chicken broth and cook for 10-15 minutes until artichokes are tender. Then purée the mixture in a blender. Add the ricotta cheese, fresh cream, egg, yolk, salt and pepper. Form mixture into individual bowls and bake in an oven at 145 degrees for 30 minutes. 200 g Jerusalem artichokes, peeled 1 shallot 1 garlic clove 1 bay leaf extra virgin olive oil 100 ml chicken broth 40 g Ricotta cheese 10 g cream 1 egg and 1 yolk Salt and freshly ground pepper Crispy Moravian Bacon: Place bacon slices between two silicone baking pan and bake at 165 ° C for 8 minutes. Then let co