Pastor’ s Page Welcome to ChristLike Magazine!
Dear Readers,
Thank you for taking your time out to read about what the Lord has put on our hearts to share with the world. Throughout this special edition issue, you’ ll not only learn the story behind Life Is Pricele $$ and it’ s amazing cast, you will also read about how you can sponsor the talent show and be apart of Christlike Magazine history! The Life Is Pricele $$ story challenges us to focus on teen issues, bullying, and our children’ s view on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So we ask you our readers to“ BE CHRISTLIKE” and Join The Movement! Take this journey with us and help the children of the world have a Christlike future. I hope this magazine and it’ s stories provide not only the insight but the guidance you need to do something great with your life. In Jesus name we pray Amen.
The deadline for ad placement with Christlike Magazine will be on the 1st date of the month prior to publication.( exp: ad for January issue is due by Dec 1st Call( 317) 702-3540 for more information.
KEEP IT JESUS, LLC.- Christlike Magazine will be published monthly by Keep it Jesus, LLC and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of Christlike Magazine and is prohibited. Christlike Magazine, including the publishers and designers is / are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided or the actions of our advertisers. Christlike Magazine is not responsible for the return of unsolicit-ed artwork, photography or manuscripts and will not be responsible for holding fees or similar charges. All digital submissions and correspondence will become property of Christlike Magazine. Statements made, or implied or expressed in Christlike Magazine do not necessarily represent the editorial position of the publisher.
All Bible references are taken from the New King James Version unless otherwise noted. Christlike Magazine is a registered trademark of Keep It Jesus, LLC. Articles
On The Cover!
Our scripture of the month is John 14:6 I am the way, the truth and the life...
This Issue
THE MUSIC: It All Started With A Verse!. 6
THE MOVIE: Based On A True Stoy? 7
THE MOVEMENT: Be Christlike 8
Editor / Sales Director Pastor Lamont Stokes PastorStokes @ Christlikemagazine. com Photography Charita Stokes for Visionary Photography Graphic Design & Layout Lamont Stokes and Charita Stokes Brian“ Short Kut” Coyle, Kutstyle Graphics Web Site Design Charita Stokes Advertising Sales Lamont Stokes Circulation Lamont Stokes Comments & Feedback info @ Christlikemagazine. com Subscriptions Lamont Stokes info @ Christlikemagazine. com Contact Information info @ Christlikemagazine. com
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