Pastor ’ s Page Welcome to ChristLike Magazine !
Dear Readers ,
Thank you for taking your time out to read about what the Lord has put on our hearts to share with the world . Throughout this special edition issue , you ’ ll not only learn the story behind Life Is Pricele $$ and it ’ s amazing cast , you will also read about how you can sponsor the talent show and be apart of Christlike Magazine history ! The Life Is Pricele $$ story challenges us to focus on teen issues , bullying , and our children ’ s view on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . So we ask you our readers to “ BE CHRISTLIKE ” and Join The Movement ! Take this journey with us and help the children of the world have a Christlike future . I hope this magazine and it ’ s stories provide not only the insight but the guidance you need to do something great with your life . In Jesus name we pray Amen .
The deadline for ad placement with Christlike Magazine will be on the 1st date of the month prior to publication . ( exp : ad for January issue is due by Dec 1st Call ( 317 ) 702-3540 for more information .
KEEP IT JESUS , LLC . - Christlike Magazine will be published monthly by Keep it Jesus , LLC and may not be reproduced , in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of Christlike Magazine and is prohibited . Christlike Magazine , including the publishers and designers is / are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided or the actions of our advertisers . Christlike Magazine is not responsible for the return of unsolicit-ed artwork , photography or manuscripts and will not be responsible for holding fees or similar charges . All digital submissions and correspondence will become property of Christlike Magazine . Statements made , or implied or expressed in Christlike Magazine do not necessarily represent the editorial position of the publisher .
All Bible references are taken from the New King James Version unless otherwise noted . Christlike Magazine is a registered trademark of Keep It Jesus , LLC . Articles
On The Cover !
Our scripture of the month is John 14:6 I am the way , the truth and the life ...
This Issue
THE MUSIC : It All Started With A Verse !. 6
THE MOVIE : Based On A True Stoy ? 7
THE MOVEMENT : Be Christlike 8
Editor / Sales Director Pastor Lamont Stokes PastorStokes @ Christlikemagazine . com Photography Charita Stokes for Visionary Photography Graphic Design & Layout Lamont Stokes and Charita Stokes Brian “ Short Kut ” Coyle , Kutstyle Graphics Web Site Design Charita Stokes Advertising Sales Lamont Stokes Circulation Lamont Stokes Comments & Feedback info @ Christlikemagazine . com Subscriptions Lamont Stokes info @ Christlikemagazine . com Contact Information info @ Christlikemagazine . com
Preview edition | Page 2