Jan-Mar 2016 | Page 7

Matthew 4:19

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (NIV)

I love the NIV version of this verse because it captures the why, the how, and the what.

"Come follow me"; is why you are in ministry in the first place, but also why you are tentmaking.

"and I will send you out"; that is the how. If Jesus sends you out then you are where you should be. Chances are, when you stepped into ministry, and into tentmaking, you had a lot of 'emersion' training. Trial by fire, figure it out as you go experiences. In ministry and in tentmaking let me remind you to rock back on Jesus. He will direct you, you just have to be moldable, receptive, willing to change.

"fish for people"; That is the outcome of the effort. Ministry is for OTHERS. You serving OTHERS. Same with tentmaking. Your product, program or package is for OTHERS.

No matter how awesome your offer, unless it is positioned to the right audience it will go untouched. If you are fishing for shrimp the strategy is very different than the strategy for catching sharks.

Continued on pg 8

'Fishing' for Prospects



Attraction Marketing

tips to increase your customer base.