Lydia Yamaguchi ’13
Alleviating poverty and fighting against social injustice are
good insofar as they are also used as instruments for this
to take place. Notably, however, a Biblical worldview would
ultimately trace the root of societal grievances to a rejection
of the Gospel. Hence, it is only with a right understanding
of the Gospel that the vision of true human flourishing as
iterated by Jesus above will be fulfilled. Where Christians differ
is how exactly we think this plays out practically in terms of
political systems and public policy. On the other hand, we
should agree that the Gospel is the essential underpinning in
all of that. In your bid for fighting against the ills of the world,
have you lost track of the centerpiece that God has given us,
the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes?
On a more individual note, as followers of Christ, working
for social good must be done jointly with a commitment to
personal holiness. One should not fight for racial justice without
acknowledging one’s own unconscious racial biases. Such a
lifestyle, for all the “good” that it may do, is displeasing to God.
Ironically, it contributes to the some of the same problems
one professes to combat. While God indeed has used sinful,
unrepentant individuals to bring about a degree of human
flourishing in this world, ultimately, each one of them will face
His judgement. As Christians who care, let us be ever cognizant
of the habitual sins that plague us, not putting ourselves on a
pedestal as if we have arrived at a level of self-righteousness.
Let us strive for personal holiness as much as or even more
than we do for global justice. And let us remember that when
He comes, He will right every wrong, wipe away every tear and
there will no longer be any death, mourning, crying, or pain.
In one sense, as Christians, we should be more committed
to addressing injustice than anyone because we know the
intended design of our Maker and how we have messed
that up. True human flourishing can only be achieved by
living as God’s people under God’s rule. Let me invite you
to this vision that God has set for us. I pray that you will
join us in living out His kingdom as followers of Christ.
In Christ,
Nicholas Chuan
Nicholas Chuan is a junior concentrating
in physics and philosophy.
Spring 2016