CHRISTIANS CARE. Spring 2016 | Seite 23

Call Matthew Barley’16 of what we are offering to God. A counterbalancing action will be happening with natural light, shining down from many windows of various shapes and sizes in the ceiling and upper walls. The baptismal font will be located in the center, and around this the congregation will gather. Proclamation This is a public proclamation of God’s Word. It is composed of readings from the Old Testament, New Testament and an Epistle. As the preacher speaks, God changes our hearts, minds, and actions as we cling to Christ’s redemptive work in each of our lives. I have designed this space to have the “traditional sanctuary” feel where the congregation can sit down, if they chose to do so. In my thesis design, this is the one space where all the congregants are offered a seat. To emphasize God’s word coming down to His people, angular forms from a central point in the ceiling will expand to the exterior parts of the space. The material used will be concrete to create feelings of permanence and solidity. Eucharist Defined as a meal of thanksgiving, this is where believers remember Christ’s death and resurrection by partaking bread and wine, as representations of His body and blood. This is an sacramental meal, meaning that it is a rite that institutes saving grace. This is a time when Christ mutually indwells us and and our fellow believers. This space is round in form to represent oneness in the body of Christ and our oneness to Him. The unbroken circle also represents God’s inability to break his promise of saving us. Additionally, the circle allows the entire congregation to see each other all at once, as well as have easy access to the Altar in the center of the room, from which the bread and wine are distributed. Benediction Lastly, the Benediction is a peaceful sending out of the body of Christ. This is a prayer and a song of blessing spoken to the congregants at the end of the service. This is the closing component of transformational liturgy that changes the participant from a dirty, broken sinner to a cleansed, exalted child of God. The benediction space is the final room, the congregation is being sent back out into the community. This space will have four transparent glass walls that symbolize the sending out of the people to the four corners of the world. In addition, the glass walls allow for the maximum amount of light creating a completely bright space. The space will be smaller than most of the space, yet comfortable. There will be bright colors to represent the joy that comes from God’s saving grace. The participant will stand in the space with hands raised singing a final song. Liturgical spaces are meant to be reexperienced over and over while each time God revelas more of himself to us. This new typology of Liturgical Space will catechize the participants, by requiring them to interact with distinct spatial qualities for each moment of liturgy all while drawing them closer to God spiritually, individually, and as a corporate body. Like a good piece of music or a fine painting, liturgical spaces are meant to be reexperienced over and over while each time God reveals more of himself to us. Matthew Funk Barley is a graduate student at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). He will graduate this May and earn his Masters of Design in Interior Architecture. Spring 2016 21