Christian Union: The Magazine Winter 2017 | Page 37

C O LUMB I A | On Campus

Reflecting on a Rich Legacy

s he nears retirement , the senior

A pastor of Emmanuel Presbyterian Church paused to express gratitude for God ’ s goodness for the ways his congregation has ministered to scores of students at neighboring Columbia University .

“ It ’ s just really , really wonderful ,” said Charlie Drew , who noted his church in Morningside Heights has served students from nearly 30 countries . “ What ’ s so thrilling is God just brings people to you ,” he said .
Through he is preparing to step down in June from his role as a senior pastor , Drew plans to continue to preach , teach , mentor , and write . He will also continue to serve on the board of the Center for Christian Civics , a position that allows him to speak to churches about managing political differences . Drew is the author of four books , including : Body Broken : Can Republicans and Democrats Sit in the Same Pew ? ( New Growth Press , 2012 ).
The Harvard alumnus of 1972 is continuing to seek God for discernment on other opportunities in the next stage of his life .
Regardless of what that chapter will ultimately hold , Drew will leave a rich legacy as the founding pastor of Emmanuel Presbyterian , the church he planted on behalf of Redeemer Presbyterian in 2000 .
“ I ’ ve always been involved with university churches ,” said Drew , a grandfather of four . “ I love it . It keeps me young .”
Drew is especially proud of how his church body has ministered to the sizable contingent of international students who flock to Columbia , particularly for graduate studies . Emmanuel Presbyterian Church actively supports Bridges International
Charlie Drew
( bridgesinternational . com ), an outreach of Cru to foreign students .
“ We co-host all sorts of things with them . I speak quite frequently at the Bridges ’ large-group meeting ,” said Drew .
Emmanuel Presbyterian makes it a point to integrate students into the fabric of the church . “ We involve them in everything we do ,” he said . “ We find that they grow best when they are not simply part of a targeted ministry , but incorporated into ministry .”
In turn , international students
especially are quick to step up to serve in Emmanuel Presbyterian ’ s worship and children ’ s ministries . “ We get a ton of wonderful musicians from all over the world ,” said Drew , a music and sailing aficionado .
Not surprisingly , international students also are quick to gush with appreciation for Drew .
“ I love Pastor Charlie . He is really dedicated to serving the community at Columbia , especially international students who are new to the country and also to Christianity ,” said Yanting Hou , a Chinese graduate student who is studying bilingual and special education .
As Hou and another Chinese student prepared for baptism , the pair met once a week with Drew to discuss the importance of knowing Christ . “ I feel very comfortable talking to him because he cares about us and is very willing to help us if we ever have any questions about faith ,” Hou said .
Haidun Liu , Columbia ’ 19 , echoed those comments . “ Rev . Drew always makes time for one-on-one conversations ,” said Liu , who is majoring in philosophy and intellectual history . “ I have had meals with him and have gone to his office several times to talk about very personal issues .”
As well , Wenqi He , who studied at the nearby Manhattan School of Music , described Drew as a grandfather figure . “ He is one of the people
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