Christian Union: The Magazine Summer 2017 | Page 17

giving and generosity in the same way. Generosity is a key sign of maturity in Christ and that maturity must be cultivat- ed. Calling all God’s people, where they are at in their maturity in thinking about money and generosity, is an important part of growing believers in what it means to be a generous, joyful Christian. Generous people exude joy. They are grateful for life and breath and every material and spiritual blessing of their lives. CU: As a society, particularly in the Chris- tian community, are we trending more or less towards generosity? MD: There are so many scriptures that deal with money and possessions. Why does 15% of Christ’s teaching deal with money and the use of money? I think it is because tures about generosity? CU: What are two of your favorite scrip- 2 MD: One of my greatest disappointments in Christ’s people in this generation is that we don’t differ very much from the culture at large. Statistics on giving to the church bear this out. But I am not without hope. As someone who has observed culture for the past 40 years, I see more emphasis on generosity in the church in recent years than ever before. Pastors and their con- gregations are realizing that the theme of generosity is not a construct of those who need money, but, instead, the very heart of God that His people mirror His gen- erosity to us. Jesus knew that money consumes an in- ordinate amount of the thought life of every person—rich or poor. Think how many times, every day, we think about our possessions and make decisions on how we spend our wealth. How we handle our money and possessions reveals, better than anything, our priorities. So, here are my two favorite scriptures. First, Jesus’ teaching about the widow’s mite (Mark 12:41-43). This is radical for fol- lowers of Christ. What did Jesus commend her for? Not the amount! He said, wealthy people give out of their wealth—but she gave out of her poverty (in other words, she changed her level of living to support Christ’s kingdom). That is what is pleasing to the Lord and what is so hard for us to emulate! The second is the parable of the rich fool in Luke 12. Here was a man who was prospering greatly. And what did he con- clude about his wealth? I should build more barns, store more of my wealth, and “eat, drink, and be merry.” The point is unmis- takable. Storing wealth for personal com- fort is foolish. Our mortality is certain. But giving wealth for the sake of others and for the sake of Christ’s kingdom is clearly what is wise in God’s sight. I can’t think of a passage that more clearly shows where our priorities should be. | cu tend to think that all Christians are the same. But, when it comes to money and possessions, there is a lot of diversity in the body of Christ. We talked about four kinds of givers. First, the reluctant giver. This, sadly, represents more of the Christian commu- nity than we would care to admit. They adopt the prevailing secular view: “my money is my business.” In my experience, many Christians who hold this view have not grown up in a family that modeled kingdom generosity. I heard recently that 50% of regular attenders/members in churches give $100 or less per year to their church. Sad, but true. Then, there is the casual giver. The casual giver usually needs to be asked for a gift. They have some notion of God’s call on their possessions and wealth, but they lean toward wealth as being their posses- sion. Their calculation is, “how much of my money should I give to God?” The thoughtful giver is the Christian who understands God’s claim on their possessions. Their giving comes with more joy, though it often comes as the result of request. While their giving seems right and brings joy, it is not without the calculation of “what am I giving up to give this gift?” Their calculation is, “how much of God’s money should I give?” The gifted giver is rare (in my experi- ence, less than 5% of all givers). They are truly generous in the way they conduct their life. They take unbridled joy in their giving. Seldom do they need to be asked. They seek opportunities to advance Christ’s kingdom. Their calculation is, “how much of God’s money should I keep?” The wise pastor and ministry leader will recognize that not all Christians approach 15