Christian Union: The Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 17

freshmen,” Doyle recalled. Ziegler is thankful to be part of a campus ministry that trains young people how to serve. “I think the leadership training we got this year was highlighted in the block party,” he said. “There, you could see the members of Christian Union engaged with the freshmen at Brown. Listening to the conversations, you could tell that the freshmen really enjoyed an outlet where they could come and talk and let out some emotions.” Meagan Peters ’18, another stu- dent leader with Christian Union at Brown, was proud of the way the Ministry Fellow Justin Doyle (first row, middle) and members of a team rose to the occasion and em- Christian Union Bible Course at Brown braced freshmen. “The upperclassmen brought community and a great opportunity for people to such great energy to greeting, making connections, come together and meet,” Ziegler said. and engaging the freshmen who attended in con- “I think we all went into the block party with a versations about Christian Union and campus life mix of excitement and apprehension, but felt pre- in general,” she said. “While there were some inev- pared to put ourselves out there and serve the fresh- itable awkward interactions, being outside on a warm Burritos were served in the backyard of the Judson Center, which was buzzing with conversations and music under the night sky and strings of hanging bulbs. men to the best of our ability,” noted Peters. “The block party helped Christian Union gain exposure on campus and let people know that we’re here as a generous and loving Christian communi- ty.” | cu 2 summer evening, having an abundance of good food and a great turn-out really helped things run smooth- ly.” Christian Union’s fall semester welcoming events included a brunch for students and parents on move- in weekend, a pancake party, worship on the main Green, a ladies’ brunch, a guys’ BBQ, a movie night, and a grub crawl where upperclassmen who live off campus cooked for freshmen. The block party was definitely one of the high- lights and a night to remember for the team. “Overall, it was a great way to engage with the 15