Christian Union: The Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 10

feature section | intellectual engagement The Christian Intellectual by john stonestreet I n The Weight of Glory, C.S. Lewis is- sued this call for Christian intellectual engagement: “If all the world were Christian, it might not matter if all the world were uned- ucated. But, as it is, a cultural life will exist outside the Church whether it exists inside or not. To be ignorant and simple now — not to be able to meet the enemies on their own ground — would be to throw down our weapons, and to betray our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defense but us against the intellectual attacks of the heathen. Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad phi- losophy needs to be answered.” (The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses. MacMillan, 1980, 28) 8 A more robust picture of the Christian mind is, however, offered in Scripture, and its call extends beyond a merely defensive endeavor tasked to certain professionals. All Christians should steward their think- ing as an expression of their faith. The “greatest” of all the command- ments, Jesus said, was to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind” (Matt 22:37). Con- necting how we think with how we love will seem strange in a culture that not only understands love to be little mor