Christian Teen Girls Sep. 2011 | Page 16

5.Keep it Clean! The number one rule of maintaining healthy looking and flawless skin is to

keep your hands off it. Your hands and fingertips are crawling with bacteria. You don't want this

on your face and seeping into your pores. This is the number one way breakouts occur! Try to

keep as much away from your face as possible and always remember to wash off your makeup

at the end of each day.

Following these simple beauty care tips will give you smooth, clear and hydrated skin making it

easy to apply makeup or feel confident without wearing any cover-up at all.


Having a baby-face with perfect skin?

Don't you like it? With no Blemishes,

no dry-spots but a clear, smooth and

a radiant complexion?

Here's some tips----

1. No Cool water

Many of us dry out your skin to control acne. But It's not good. Drying out your skin will cause it to produce more oil to gain back its 'protective layer'.Washing your face with a mild gel, and rinsing with cool-lukewarm water will keep your skin clean and clear without drying it out.

2. Soaking magic

Aside from drinking plenty of water each day, fill your sink with lukewarm or cool water and add a few drops of oil. Coconut oil and Almond Oil are great

choices. Hold your breath and soak your face for as long as you can. Come up for air and keep soaking for about 3-5 minutes, and you probably know that

after having a long bath your skin feels the most soft and smooth. Finish your soak by immediately applying a light, unscented facial moisturizer and either let your skin air-dry or gently pat dry with a towel.

3. Is it too oily?

If your skin is constantly oily and shiny, blot with oil absorbing sheets.

There are many different brands and they all have one main goal; to remove excess oil without the need for adding more pore-clogging powder to your face. Keeping as less stuff off your face as possible will keep it looking fresh and healthy.

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