Christian Review Magazine Issue 4 - April 2015 | Page 83

flood, fire from heaven, and holy wars of God to stomp it out. The Chronicles do not shy away from addressing this evil, but only in the context of a greater more glorious redemption. Wise readers know that the power of redemption in a story is only equal to the accuracy with which the author portrays the evil from which we are redeemed. Because of this, the original series is rated PG-13. But in the interest of offering these stories to those who prefer G or PG rating, an edition for Young Adults is available. Chronicles of the Nephilim for Young Adults is a version of the original series that has been edited to be age-appropriate for Ages 13 and above, Grades 8 and above. But it is the same rip roaring action adventure, romance and spiritual journey about Nephilim Giants, Watchers, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed that will keep readers on the edge of their seats and help them see the Biblical narrative with fresh perspective. Chronicles of the Nephilim is a game-changer for Evangelical imagination and theology, and it’s only available at in Kindle, paperback or audiobook. *** Brian Godawa is the screenwriter for the award-winning feature film, To End All Wars, starring Kiefer Sutherland. Previously he adapted to film the best-selling supernatural novel The Visitation by author Frank Peretti, as well as writing and directing several documentaries for PBS and other producers. His popular book, Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment is used as a textbook for film analysis in schools around the country. His new Amazon best-selling novel series is Chronicles of the Nephilim, an imaginative retelling of the primeval history of Genesis, the fallen Watchers, and the wars of the giants. Websites: and CHRISTIANREVIEW.COM > 83