Christian Musician SepOct16 | Page 38

GUITAR A2Z [ HARP HARMONICS | Roger Zimish ] In my last column we started looking at Chet the harmonic and it won’t ring out as desired. is important. As always, work the examples Atkins style “Harp Harmonics” combining The volume between the natural note and the slowly and then work on your speed. Try to play fretted notes with Harmonic notes (also known harmonic should be the same. them as fast as you can while keeping it under as “Artificial Harmonics”). Every note can be control. played as a harmonic on the guitar. There are You may have noticed that the sequence of natural harmonics on the 12th, 7th and 5th frets notes has a familiar pattern to them. They are Check that you should be familiar with, along with the same notes as in the E Pentatonic scale, Emmanuel; they are masters of this technique the concept on how to produce harmonics. E-G-A-B-D-E. Next try barring across the neck on the acoustic guitar as is Eric Johnson on In this lesson we are going to expand across as if you were making a bar chord with one the electric guitar. Each of these players have the whole fret board combining harmonics and finger at the 5th fret and play the harmonics a slightly different right hand technique. Doyle natural notes. 12 frets up at the 17 fret the same way as and Tommy use thumb picks along with th out Doyle Dykes and Tommy in example #2. Play this on other frets on the their index finger to make the harmonies and First try just the right hand fingering pattern neck and play the harmonic 12 frets up from alternate between their middle and ring fingers using open strings in Example #1. Start with your root notes. to play none harmonic notes. Eric Johnson your thumb (P) followed by your ring finger (I) plucks the string with his thumb while using his the string sequence is 6+3+5+2+4+1+3+1 then It will take some practice to master this. Your middle finger to play the harmonic and his pinky back, 4-1-5-2-6-3-6. Now add the harmonic in fretting hand will get a workout! You will be to play none harmonic notes. Example #2, use your index finger to produce applying pressure across the neck like playing the harmonic. The key is to pluck the string with a bar chord with the one finger, so be sure not Coda: I have found that artificial or harp your thumb while laying your index finger lightly to overdo if you start to feel pain in your hand. harmonics are a nice effect when used at the on the string. You should have about 3 inches Work on keeping the volume between the right time in a piece of music. Next time we will between your thumb and index finger. If you non-harmonic notes with the harmonic notes add full chords and scales to create heavenly have your fingers too close you will choke out at the same volume level. The right balance sounds. Exp.#1 ° & œp œ i œ p œ p œ p œ i œ p 0 ¢⁄ & 38 p œ i œ p œ i 0 0 œ i ‚ p œ p ‚ p 0 0 ( 12 ) h œp 0 0 h i 0 0 0 ( 12 ) œ 0 0 ‚p œp 0 0 œ i ‚ p 0 ¢⁄ i œ 0 0 Exp.#2 ° œ ( 12 ) h Sep  Oct 2016 œ i ‚ p œ i ‚ p œ i ‚p 0 œ i ‚p 0 ( 12 ) h 0 ( 12 ) h 0 ( 12 ) h 0 ( 12 ) h ( 12 ) h