Christian Musician SepOct16 | Page 16

[ VOCAL DRILLS : THE FIVE BEST ! | Roger Beale ]
Many singers , upon finding out that I am a professional vocal coach and teach voice at the collegiate level , always ask me what vocal exercises I use . I sense that they are looking for the Holy Grail . All singers are looking for that one drill that will send them over the top with a feeling of vocal confidence unparalleled in human history . They are sure to be disappointed ! But there are some effective ones to use in your private practice sessions .
One of the pleasures of teaching at the collegiate level is the frequent opportunity to observe other voice teachers in action . I get to see them actually teach a live voice student . I always tend to see basic themes with variations . Many times this is related to basic vocal warmup and vocal development exercises which address range , flexibility , and tone .
Following are five types of exercises that have appeared in these visits and have a legitimate , recognizable physical function . You may even recognize some of them . You might be using them without knowing why . Here they are !
EXCERCISE 1 : Humming , tongue trills , lip trills , or singing into a narrow tube ( a straw ) on slides , glides , scales , or arpeggios ( broken chords ) over a wide pitch range .
• Allows the respiratory ( breathing ) muscles to engage fully and quickly .
• Minimizes unwanted tension by limiting force on the vocal folds ( cords ).
• Separates the vocal folds to allow the edges to vibrate .
• Stretches the vocal folds effectively .
EXCERCISE 2 : One to two octave slides or glides . First sung in a downward tonal direction and then up and
[ All singers are looking for that one drill that will send them over the top with a feeling of vocal confidence unparalleled in human history . They are sure to be disappointed ! ]
down . The singer uses the vowels i /( ee ) or u / ( ooh ). These slides allow for a transition from low chest all the way to a high falsetto . It even mixes some registers . Hey , could we be dealing with some contemporary singing here ?
• Creates a muscular scenario for maximum vocal stretch .
• Causes a correct coordination between all muscles used for singing .
• Avoids muscular tension when changing registers .
EXCERCISE 3 : Forward tongue roll and extension ( outside the mouth and over the lip ), using the vowels a /( ah ) and i /( ee ), on a five-tone scale .
• Separates singing ( phonation and articulation ) and the movement of the lips and tongue .
• Causes muscular independence .
EXCERCISE 4 : The classic “ Messa di voce ” ( a controlled crescendo then decrescendo on a long held note ).
• Lets the vocal folds adjust gradually to different speeds of vibration .
• Coordinates muscle tension in the vocal folds .
• Coordinates crescendo and decrescendo under varying breath pressures .
• Also , all muscles inside the larynx ( voice box ) must function efficiently with these varying breath pressures .
EXCERCISE 5 : Staccato on arpeggios ( broken chords )
• All notes are sung crisply .
• They are started quickly with accurate clarity of pitch , thus creating a proper coordinated function for vocal fold vibration .
• Eliminates unnecessary tension in the vocal folds while changing pitches .
Please keep in mind the idea of theme and variations . All five of these drills can be applied to many different situations and different teachers . There is no magic bullet or magic elixir that can be applied to singing . The singer must work smart with proper information that allows for continual effective improvement .
There is not one vocal drill or arpeggio or group of sung notes that will make you a better singer . But all of these drills can be used with different note patterns and still be effective . You must find out what needs to be worked on and fix that . Then you move on to the next vocal item that needs to be fixed . It is similar to peeling an onion , one layer at a time .
Now go sing well !
16 Sep � Oct 2016 ChristianMusician . com