[ RE-CREATION | Bryan Duncan ]
Only now am I realizing that my early music came with a unique signature because I was too young to know what the rules of music were . In my garage band days , we were just having fun . It was our recreation . We played stuff because it sounded cool . We borrowed from other contemporaries who were only then discovering music too . Our harmonies jumped all over the place because I failed music theory in college .
Sweet Comfort Band started as a three piece with only two singers . We had a jazzy sound in a folksy world because a minor seven chord sounded more full to me than a straight major chord . And because I barely played an instrument , I could hold down one chord and sing multiple melodies . The drummer used a double kick drum ; it filled up a lot of empty space on stage . What we didn ’ t have in finesse was overpowered by screaming volume .
I have reached a point in my own career now where I am starting to mock music that doesn ’ t sound the way I learned it . But if the rules of music didn ’ t change we ’ d all still be doing John Phillip Sousa marches .
Even at an early age I understood that if I copied the music that came before me , I would merely be a copy of something that had already been done better . I heard a song from the 1920 ’ s the other day and I noted that singers of that era used a vaudeville vocal twist in almost all of the songs of those days . It came to define the time . If I used that lick in exactly the same setting now , I would be branded as dated , more than likely . When I hear the old hymns too , I hear a time and a place from the past .
The Rock and Roll I grew up with is now found in the “ oldies ” category . We had a formula for making music , and we did it so well that we became successful … and it defined a time and place . But like the waves of the ocean , each peaking and breaking and flooding the sand , it must recede to make room for the next wave .
As musicians , we are all having to make decisions about how much we can incorporate from other ‘ discoveries ’ musically in our own sound . Our music has survived through disco , funk , punk , corporate rock , alternative , grunge , House music , and Hip Hop . And lets add worship music as a style . The key , I think , is to sound fresh without sounding copied . I don ’ t do music for recreation any more , but maybe I should . Or maybe the word is “ Re- Creation ”. I need to revisit my early feelings of love for what I ’ m doing .
Quality Comfort Style
In the long run it has been the passion of following Jesus and the struggles of a relationship with him that has fueled my desire to put my diary to music . It is humbling to accept that my formulas have been replaced and I need to learn some new recipes if I want to stay in the kitchen .
I ’ ve noted the music they ’ re using in TV productions lately : No drums , and sometimes not even bass . It ’ s just a rambling vocal melody from an unusually distinct voice , with hooks in all the “ wrong ” places . Usually done with the simplest piano riff , or a ukulele ! Musically it ’ s disappointing . But I forget the primary reason for music . It is to describe the emotions we all have , regardless of what generation .
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Personally , I ’ m not leaving the band at home . But if we are going to stay interesting we will have to throw out what “ we ’ ve always done ” if we expect a different result .
42 Nov � Dec 2016 ChristianMusician . com