1 . What are your strengths and weaknesses ? 2 . Do the individuals in your inner circle compliment your weaknesses as a leader ? 3 . On a scale of 1-10 , what is your level of transparency as a leader ? Write out the areas you will need to improve in . 4 . In what areas are you able to serve those you influence ? How can you add value to their lives ? 5 . Are you intentional with your time ? If so , in what way ? If not , how can you improve ? 6 . Is what you are doing today getting you closer to where you want to be ? 7 . What are you passionate about ? Don ’ t settle for anything less than the best God has to offer . 8 . What areas can you identify that you may have settled in ? 9 . Look at your relationships . Identify which ones are worth keeping and investing in and which ones are not . 10 . What is your leadership style ? Visit
https :// eml . usc . edu / leadership-style-quiz to take the quiz ! 11 . What is your personality type ? Visit
https :// www . 16personalities . com / to take your free test !