Christian Action Team Report 2013-2014 C.A.T. Report 2013-2014 | Page 40
Christian Action Team Report 40
Student Leaders:
List highlights or significant accomplishments of this Christian
Service Initiative for the 2013-2014 academic year.
Monthly commitment to the West Side Catholic Center
Living the Works of Mercy
Feed and meet with AA members for dinner before their meeting
Concern: Saint Monica is a rather transient group of students. From week
to week, I do not have a consistent group of students. This year, I do not
have a student leader. The most consistent member this year is Isen
Vajusi, however, even he got busy this semester, and has not participated
since December. Most weeks, I find that I have a new group of student
volunteers. In past years, I've had a core team, but this year is
particularly unique.
How has this Christian Service Initiative integrated
prayer/reflection into the student experience?
Pray with those there for the meal before the meal is served
Total time spent on leadership
and formation development
(time with just leaders)
a. Approximate number of
student participants per
Next Year: Based on this year's best practices and challenges,
please list 1-3 possible goals for next year.
b. Number of meetings per year
c. Approximate length of each
meeting (hours)
Compute Participant Hours:
(a x b x c =)
AT-A-GLANCE FACT about Christian Service Initiative:
Estimate a budget for next year
$ 1200.00 if this program
remains as part of CAT.
Estimate this program’s actual cost
for this school year.
$ 1200.00