Christ Centered Girls Winter Issue 2016 Winter issue 2016 | Page 37

Do It In A Dress!

How One of Our Writers Is Fighting For Female Education!

Over 60 million girls are not in school simply because they are born a girl and a girl in Sierra Leone is more likely to be sexually assaulted than receive a full education. This is not okay! But there is a way to change this. Do It In A Dress!

This year I was chosen to be an ambassador for One Girl, a charity organization whose goal is to give 1 million girls an education. Never heard of One Girl before? Check out this video I guarantee it will inspire you!

Every year One Girl has their Do It In A Dress campaign. Where thousands of men, women and even dogs put on a school dress to raise money for girl’s education. The money raised goes to girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda so that they may receive an education. Just $300 provides a girl with everything she needs to get a full year’s education. This year’s campaign raised $651,609 which means 2,172 girls are getting educated! How awesome is that?!

So why should we invest in girls’ education? Many times, in Sierra Leone and Uganda, parents can’t afford to send their children to school and if they can they are only able to send

Leone and Uganda, parents can’t afford to send their children to school and if they can they are only able to send one child and it will always be the boy. But one of the best ways to fight poverty is educating girls. "Investment in girls' education may well be the highest return investment available in the developing world," Larry Summers writes when he was chief economist at the World Bank. Every year a girl stays in school her income can increase by 15%-20% and she will invest 90% of that income back into her family.