Christ Centered Girls Winter Issue 2016 Winter issue 2016 | Page 10

Kindness, The Most Valuble Gift You Can Give

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Get outside and…RING THAT BELL! Who says the Salvation Army is the only one who can ring that bell during Christmas time!? Why not get your own bucket and ring a bell outside in your neighborhood or local shops! (Make sure you ask them for permission first) Have flyers or little note cards next to you saying what you need the donations for and how they can help!

2.)Contact your local orphanage.

Many kids at homeless shelters or orphanages don’t get any gifts on Christmas. Why not contact one near you and ask how many kids they normally have. Then go to your friends and family and ask for them to maybe get rid of some old clothes or toys. Go to the dollar store or 99 cent shop and buy some wrapping paper, wrap all the donations you got and give them to the kids! I am sure they would love it! Maybe slip in some note cards telling them the story of the birth of Jesus so they get a taste of him too!

cent shop and buy some wrapping paper, wrap all the donations you got and give them to the kids! I am sure they would love it! Maybe slip in some note cards telling them the story of the birth of Jesus so they get a taste of him too!


Find a single mom in your church and give her the night off! Offer to babysit for free while she either does some Christmas shopping or just gets a night to relax!

5.)Sponsor a child.

Sponsor a kid through Go-and tell Global or Compassion International!

6.)Go Caroling.

Love to sing and play an instrument? Then why not sing Christmas worship songs on the street corner so people can hear Gods praises! (If you want, this could be another way to fundraise for our orphanage! Just put a hat or jar out and tell people what the donations are for.)

7.)Do a Random Act of Kindness.

Get all your friends together and write letters to people wishing them a Merry Christmas and telling them who Jesus is! Put them in people’s mail boxes!