Makeup Maddness!!
Makeup Madness!
So by layering more product over a blemish we are actually not only inviting bacteria in to make the problem worse we are pointing out to everyone “Hey I have a blemish!!!!” definitely not worth your money girlies) and listen to your moms wash your faces twice a day! It really does help and don’t sleep with your makeup on. So back to make up awesomeness as you start the school year. I highly, highly recommend a tinted moisturizer or CC cream. A light sweep of blush ( I have a few favorites I can share if you want! Faerie Organics Bondi Beach Blush is a beautiful neutral color) A light neutral color eyeshadow (blue eyes- you’re looking for gold tones browns or golds, brown eyes purple based browns are your best friend- green eyes red based or golden browns to name a few) One swipe is more than enough and two to three quotes of mascara will make your eyes pop but you will not lose the integrity our authenticity that makes you so beautifully YOU! Its all about enhancing not changing what the Lord has blessed you with learn to embrace you imperfections and love yourself in them. “ You are altogether beautiful my darling- in you there is no flaw. Song of Songs 4:7. This is
authenticity that makes you so beautifully YOU! Its all about enhancing not changing what the Lord has blessed you with learn to embrace you imperfections and love yourself in them. “ You are altogether beautiful my darling- in you there is no flaw. Song of Songs 4:7. This is Jesus speaking to you.