Christ Centered Girls Magazine August/September 1 | Page 35

to Missions

YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission, and it is a 5 month program where youths are trained to be

missionaries. But not only did they train me to be a missionary, I got to meet life­long friends, travel to another

country, discover the abounding love God has for me (and you as well), and had the opportunity to share God’s love

with people! I had just finished high school when I started my YWAM adventure. I surely had no awareness of my

worth, nor purpose, and was looking forward to drawing closer to God. However, I didn't attend with the desire to be

a missionary. I felt God was merely calling me to go for the experience at the time. YWAM trained me to let go of

the enemy's’ lies ­ a.k.a. my insecurities, and to instead hold on to God’s promises and truths.