3. The guy you like is sitting in between you and your best friend Sarah in English class, You notice that he keeps smiling at her, you...
a.Think horrible thoughts about your friend! (Ugh he is only talking to her because he hasn't noticed me yet!)
b. Cough really loud so he notices you and not her, when he looks over you bat your eyelashes and give a flirty smile back.
c. Think nothing of it, they are obviousley friends and you're okay with that! You look over at your friend and give an encourageing smile!:)
4. It's your turn to take your brand new puppy outside for his morning walk! Do you...?
a. Wait until it's 5 min to dark so you only have to take him out for...5min..
b. Get mad at your parents for making you do it (They ARE the ones who decided to get a dog in the first place!)
c. Get all hyped up to go play outside with that ball of cuteness! You may not feel like it but it would do you some good to get some exersise as well.
5. It's your mom's birthday tomorrow and you are out shopping for her gift to thank her for all that she does! You are going to get her...
a. I don't want to spend any money...I will just make her a card at home with my sister's art stuff, why do people even celebrate Birhdays?!
b. Her favorite perfume costs 20$ you have 40$ in your hand right now. You walk up to the cashier with a 3$ bottle of cheap perfume. (I can save the rest for those shoes I wanted, I mean she's just turning 40 It's not like I'm not gonna see her next year!)
c. You see a pair of earrings you no she will just love! But it costs 50$ and you only have 40$ you gave yourself to spend...you take out an extra 10$ from your wallet to buy the earrings even though you were saving for those shoes you really wanted. ( it's not every year she turns 40!)
6. The new girl at your school is being made fun of for shopping at thrift stores, you know her family can't afford anything else so you...
a. Laugh with them, "That dress looks like it came from your grandma!"