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it’s a phased approach and a restoration process that requires a patient and delicate touch. “It’s been ongoing, but we are establishing a maintenance manual, so we keep detailed information of the work needed treating the corrosion with a phosphoric acid gel and heating the surface of the piece with a propane torch to open up the material’s pores to allow a protective wax to really sink in. In north Laguna, Ekstrom’s bronze Deer Warrior, a mythologi- and the work done to ensure its longevity,” Poeschl explains. cal-type of creature that has antlers and carries a shield and long elements outdoors].” coastal wind exposure caused rapid corrosion to the piece and “… It’s continuous. Mostly it’s atmospheric [damage due to the For example, North and South Waves, installed in 2003 at South Coast Highway and Forest rod, has stood in Jahraus Park since 2000. The ocean air and surface staining; the intended dark brown patina was marred with green corrosion. Bird Avenue by artist Larry Gill, droppings also covered needed repairs to the stain- the sculpture and galvanic less steel and green granite corrosion caused the bolts tile. These prominent pieces anchoring the piece at its were showing wear and base to rust. The treatment: tear: Grime and dirt buildup $1,175 worth of pressure had caused oxidation on washing, phosphoric acid the stainless steel while the gel treatment and protec- granite inset also needed a tive wax treatment. A UV thorough cleaning. To treat clear coat was also applied the wave sculptures last year, to the plaque to protect it the stainless steel exterior was buffed out by hand to retain the existing finish. Additional- ly, CitriSurf 77, a product used for the cleaning and passivation (removing free iron and other contaminants), was applied to from the sun, and corroded nuts were removed from the bolts and replaced with stainless steel ones to stabilize the piece. Over at Heisler Park, a sculpture called Rendezvous, which brighten the stainless steel’s finish, and the granite was cleansed. features bronze figures of a man and a woman intertwined in a and polished work of art for a restoration cost of $2,200. gets full sun exposure, the piece—created by artist Tuan Nguyen A sealant was then applied, leaving a gleaming, visibly brighter Also on the maintenance list in recent years: Ralph Tarzian’s The Discussion, a 2004 bronze sculpture that depicts three female figures facing toward each other, as if having a con- versation. The piece stands at Forest and Ocean avenues and, although in overall good condition, it had accumulated a lot of bird droppings, which etched and stained the bronze. The caulk- ing near the base plate of one figure was also poorly applied, dancelike pose, also needed restoration. Located in a spot that and installed in 2008—is continually threatened by exposure to sun, wind, salty air and humidity, causing rapid corrosion stain- ing including powdery blue corrosion “blooms,” runoff streaks and etching on the piece’s surface due to lots of bird droppings. The $2,575 treatment included pressure washing, UV protective wax and a chemical applied to hinder corrosion growth. Though costly and time-consuming, Poeschl says sustaining and a plaque near the sculpture had become so dull and worn the longevity of public art is worth it in the long run. “I don’t see This work required a $750 fix, which included washing the finding a solution to ensuring the collection is in prime condition that its inscription was impossible to read. bronze with a biodegradable detergent called Orvus WA Paste, C HRI S GUZ I AK | 949-285-0509 the maintenance of public art as challenging,” Poeschl says. “It is for future generations to enjoy.” 16 W W W.CHRIS G UZIA K.COM