CHP Magazines Winter 2019 #15 | Page 6

T R A I L B L A Z I N G alternatives to dairy milk products The brand name Ecomil is associated with a lot of firsts! Ecomil were the first to manufacture Almond Milk in an instant powder form in 1993 and the first to put it into Tetrapaks in 1995. Ecomil was the first sugar free non-dairy drinks in the market in 2008 and being on the forefront when it comes to forecasting trends they were the first to hit the market with a sugar free Hemp drink in 2015. Manufactured in Spain, Ecomil exports its products to over 50 countries around the world. They are the only sugar free options in Australia (naturally occurring sugars less than 0.5g/100g- but actually contains 0.3g). Ecomil is the only organic Barista formulated Oat and Almond milks in the Australian market. It is joked that the USA sneezes and Australia catches a cold. There is no doubt that we follow in their footsteps when it comes to natural health trends. Currently Oat milk is the top selling non-dairy milk in the USA and 6 Complete Health Ecomil is set to become a household name in Australia. Ecomil contains organic and non GMO ingredients. In 2014 Neil Son Hing bought the Wild Harvest the Australian import company for Ecomil. For Neil and his wife who were both involved in an organic store and were passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle and the consumption of organic produce it made perfect sense to become further involved in the wholesale aspect of the health industry. There are plans afoot to introduce a Gluten Free Oat Milk within the coming months. This will involve relabelling to comply with the Australian Labelling Guidelines highlighting the fact that it contains less than 20ppm Gluten, as in the USA, Canada, UK and Europe already permit products to be labelled as Gluten free if they contain less than 20ppm gluten. Keep your customers happy and healthy by stocking the Ecomil range of products.