Chosen Volume 1 Issue 2 August 2014 | Page 6

B ack to School time is here! Store aisles are full of all the supplies needed for success. Parents maybe more excited than their children. But what is the plan? Do you have a viable plan for your child’s education, your own education. It has been said that without a plan, you will fail. When you offer your gift to the world in the purity of your gift, along with your discipline and hard work of your gift, your gift will change the atmosphere sending ripples of hope throughout the world. Dr. Frank A.Thomas In this issue of Ch ose n e-Magazine we — Chosen is dedicated to shining a bright light on our awe- will explore being prepared for success as we go back to school. In giving our young people an opportunity to share their gifts, giving them a platform to publish their works and share their thoughts and ideas. In this issue, you will be introduced to Master Brian Wilson, Master Gabriel Hampton and Morgan Grisby. Who needs a plan? All students need a plan. While teaching first grade, my students (their parents) were required to purchase an elementary planner from Franklin Covey. My students were taught to keep a to-do list, assignments, deadlines etc. It is a habit that I hope stuck with them. To keep with our mission Our ultimate desire is to help our young people know that — some young people and those who advocate for them. Ch ose n! L eah Your feedback will be invaluable to our growth and success! 9 But you are A Chosen RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 1 Peter 2:9 Chosen © 6