Choices Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 34




Professional sports bettors make the most money betting sports when they perfect four key skills , and so will you . After learning and practicing these skills for more than thirty years , I discovered that these same skills apply to everyday life as much as they do professional sports betting .
kill # 1 Bet With Your Head , Not Over It


This is good sound advice . Thinking with an objective and open mind void of emotion is not only logical it is also profitable . Emotions cloud judgment . Check your emotions at the door when it comes to making money . Simply follow a model that works and stay the course .
Skill # 2 Pick Your Spots , Spot Your Picks Patience is a virtue and good things happen to those who pick their spots . It is true . In my business of professional sports betting , the Star Spangled Banner is played every day and there is an opportunity to make money every day . It certainly pays to be selective and pick your spots . It is not how many you play , it is how many you win . Before you BET it , make sure you GET it . Be very selective and find real value before investing your hard earned money .
Skill # 3 Money Management In the world of professional sports betting , the idea is never to risk more than two percent of your bankroll on any one play . This is a great rule to live by . Professional sports bettors making their living picking winners ATS ( against the point spread ) have a goal of hitting 55 to 60 percent winners . They understand that 52.4 percent is the breakeven point . Please
World-wide , soccer is the most wagered on sport . However , football and basketball are the two most popular betting sports in the USA .