Choices Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 30



It is common for people experiencing depression to spend in order to try to make themselves feel better about their situation which only exacerbates the problem . ddressing the “ whole

A person ” is imperative in achieving overall health and balance on a physical , mental , emotional level . Stress is a major cause of anxiety and creates imbalance . Several studies have shown that high stress levels due to debt can damage more than your credit score ; it also poses serious threats to your health and well being .

According to a 2009 AP / AOL survey , Debt Stress in the United States , people with moderately high or high levels of debt stress experience mental and physical health deterioration . Some symptoms include loss of sleep , anxiety , depression , ulcers and other digestive issues , heart problems , and migraines to name a few .
Many employers find that due to these problems , their employees experience loss of production , increased absenteeism from work , and a decreased ability to handle situations with other employees .
In my practice , I deal with many people who are experiencing depression . There is a correlation between depression and debt . It is common for people experiencing depression to spend in order to try to make themselves feel better about their situation which only exacerbates the problem . A closet full of clothes and shoes may bring short term satisfaction but the lasting result is one of desperation and depression . It is sometimes hard to look at the big picture when you are caught up in the anxiety of the everyday but as with all problems , there is a solution ! Here are a few tips :
1 . Create a plan for debt repayment . Having a plan written out on paper gives order to the chaos . There are many options available to help you with this . Check with your bank as many of them offer free programs .
2 . Become aware of the negative ways you handle stress . Some of the common ways are : eating , drinking , smoking , hibernating at home with the remote and a bag of chips , spending , and self criticism . Look for positive , healthy ways to deal with stress . Take a bath , go for a walk in nature , call a loved one or friend , meditate , read a good book , work on a favorite hobby .
3 . Exercise !! A proven stress reducer . It gives a sense of accomplishment and clarity as well as feeding the brain with delicious endorphins and oxygen .
4 . Embrace a healthy diet with lots