Choices Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 18



Curious why some people have it all together ? Why are some able to confidently set and achieve realistic personal and professional goals ? The “ why ” can be found in the financial ABCDs .
urious why some people

C have it all together ? Why are some able to confidently set and achieve realistic personal and professional goals ? The “ why ” can be found in the financial ABCDs . This is your foundation , and a strong foundation allows you to build the life of your dreams ! Truly successful people have mastered , and continue to master their financial ABCDs as they build confidence and self awareness . They control their money , and you can , too !

Get started now with the Financial ABCDs :
Have A plan that includes the following four areas :
Budget : Start with a simple written plan ( budget ) of what is coming in and going out ( your monthly net income and expenses ). This is the cornerstone of your financial future . It gives you the framework to confidently maintain a reasonable lifestyle while paying down debt , saving and setting goals . It eliminates the guesswork and puts you in control .
Choose the format you like – simple paper and pencil or various software programs . For a basic Excel spreadsheet and free resources , visit : http :// www . kathyjopollack . com / links . html .
Credit : This is twofold . It is about giving yourself every opportunity that comes with good credit . Whether you are applying for a loan , credit or insurance , applying for a job , or even renting an apartment or buying a house , chances are that your credit report will be viewed .
First , be aware of what each of the three major credit reporting companies say about you . It is your information and you should know it . Knowledge is power . Access and review all three of your credit reports , which are free every 12 months , at : www . annualcreditreport . com . This is the official site to help consumers access their information . Beware of similar sites which may not be legitimate . Then , make every effort to keep your credit reports accurate and positive . Once your credit reports are accurate , proceed to check your credit score ( s ). Scores are not free nor are they included with your credit report . Strive for scores in the 700 ’ s & upward !