For more than 20 years , Judi Moreo has traveled around the world , speaking each day to audiences from 50 to 3000 people . She asked the participants if anyone ever felt that they were meant to be more than they were or achieve more than they had accomplished so far . More than 75 % of the audience raised their hands .
you are more than enough
Every Woman ’ s Guide To Purpose , Passion & Power
For more than 20 years , Judi Moreo has traveled around the world , speaking each day to audiences from 50 to 3000 people . She asked the participants if anyone ever felt that they were meant to be more than they were or achieve more than they had accomplished so far . More than 75 % of the audience raised their hands .
In this high pressure , high stressed , fast paced world , most of us set our dreams aside just to get by . In this powerful book , you will learn how to :
• realize and accept who you really are
• listen to your inner voice
• create self-empowering behaviors and stop criticizing yourself
• set boundaries
• make conscious choices about relationships , responsibilities , and rewards
• communicate for understanding
• use the power of your subconscious mind to create the future you desire
• recognize your strengths and make things happen
• and much , much more !!!
This heart-warming , myth shattering book is filled with practical techniques and illustrated by real life situations . Use the ideas , techniques , and exercises and you will dramatically improve your life . If you take this information to heart and make it a personal development course , you will soon find yourself getting the things you want , associating with the people you would like to have in your life , achieving the success you desire , and living the life of your dreams . order today
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