ChogiTimes May Issue | Page 10

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Helllooooo to Kim Junmyeon , mainly known as EXO ’ s SUHO , EXO ’ s guardian angel , EXO ’ s mother who ’ s had a hard time raising 8 noisy ass loser kids xD someone who ’ s got so much love in him for all of his members , filled with admiration , appreciation , kindness and everything but the above for this membersjuuuust kidding . It ’ s your 27th birthday in Korea , and I can ’ t help but cherish every single thing I ’ ve ever heard about you , every felt about you , ever seen about you . You ’ re the ONLY EXO member who ’ s been to India in person , and at that time I didn ’ t even know what Kpop was . 😭😭pretty sad isn ’ t it ? How that very year a few months later I fell in love with EXO , and later I chose you as my top third bias :’) okay in all honesty and sincerity , YOU ’ RE COOL . YOU ’ RE VERY VERYVERY COOL . Your jokes are cringy and they ’ re stupid and lame , but they ’ re just MY TYPE . You ’ re literally a mood maker of the group , bringing people alive even if it ’ s through cringing . The amount of effort you put into making all your fans feel special , even if they ’ re Myanmar fans , Indian fans , USA fans , any PLACE ON THIS PLANET . You make sure we don ’ t feel any less from Korean fans . You make sure we feel equally important , and that ’ s something so lovely and adorable in you . You bring me to life by showing how good a person can be . Paying for a fans food , clicking pictures with EVERY other person who asks you to do so even if you ’ re not obligated to do so , proving how strong a friendship can be by showing us your relationship with Minho , and mostly showing how amazing you are as an elder brother by sharing stories and bonds with Sehun and Chanyeol . You are an ideal type for every human on earth . So humble . So calm . So beautiful . And even if you ’ re not a banana , you ’ re still apeeling to me xD I love you with all my heart , Kim Junmyeon . Ignore all the hate , all the negativity , all those bad mouthed people . You have us . And we are more in number . Thank you for being born . Thank you for everything . Hope to see you someday in person .

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Dear Kim Junmyeon , Happy Birthday !!! Today I am writing this letter not just to Suho of Exo but also to Kim Junmyeon the actor , Kim Junmyeon the lovely and caring human and to Kim Junmyeon who deserver ’ s all the love in the world . You have been through a lot in life and are a true inspiration to me . Your words of advice always help me . Thank you for staying and being the way you are . I hope one day I can work hard like you and become successful so that when I meet you I can proudly say that , “ I worked hard like you and fulfilled my dreams ”. I promise to take the first step towards my dreams . It might sound weird if I say this but I really wish I had a brother like you , who I could scold for making such bad jokes and not taking care of himself , and someone I could go to when I need help and need to be taken care of . On that note , when are you coming back to India ? We have a lot more things for you to see , experience and love . There are so many of us waiting for you ! So please come to India soon with all your brothers , we will be waiting . Till then take care of yourself and always stay happy . Once again a very Happy Birthday , I hope all your dreams and wishes come true as you become very successful in your life . Always stay the way you are ! Loads of Love --Aishi