Chocolate July 2013 | Page 14

Dark or Milk?

1.An old lady is struggling to reach a ready meal on the top shelf of a supermarket. You are in a hurry to leave. What do you do?

a)Go and help her, even though you are late, then smile and walk off.

b)Notice that she is struggling, but don’t help her because you are in a hurry.


d)Hurry past, but tell the shop assistant that she needs help.

2.A new student arrives in your class. She is being bullied within the first few weeks. What do you do?

a)Befriend her, and tell the teacher about the bullying.

b)Notice she is being bullied, but don’t go out of your way to be nice to her; the bullies are your friends…

c)Join in in the bullying – why should you care about her?

d)Tell a teacher, but don’t get involved.

3.Your friend buys you a really expensive dress for your birthday. You don’t really like it, so give it to your other friend. The first friend asks why you are not wearing the dress she bought you. What do you say?

a)Thank you for my dress! It’s really pretty so I’m saving it for Katy’s birthday party on Sunday.


c)It was really disgusting and TOTALLY not my style, so I gave it to Ella. Thanks a lot!

d)It’s really nice, and I do wear it…

4.You have a free afternoon whilst on holiday in an unusual city. What do you do?

a)Go shopping, and buy cute gifts for your friends and family.

b)Spend the afternoon sightseeing, then go to your hotel and relax.

c)Take a look around the city, admiring and criticising its architecture and poverty levels. Then you write a long and formal letter to the Mayor explaining your findings.

d)Hire a bike and plug in your iPod, then take a peek into some of the cafés and patisseries of the town.

5.How would you describe your


a)Caring and kind, you feel strongly about world peace. You can be sensitive.

b)Clever and serious. You like exploring different cultures and like foods with an acquired taste.

c)You are authoritative and powerful. You aren’t afraid to speak your mind, and can come across as a bit mean and obnoxious sometimes.

d)You are fun-loving, adventurous and a tiny bit crazy! You aren’t afraid of embarrassing yourself and are creative and sporty.