Chocolate Blues Business Networking Festival August 2013 | Page 18

sweet business connections • Blinds Beyond CO, llc Window Coverings & more... Featuring blinds, shades and shutters at competitive pricing! Brenda Saint (970) 988-8865 [email protected] Personalize your marketing with custom correspondence! We’ll print it, stuff it, stamp it, and mail it for you. Kimberly Powers (970) 599-5280 [email protected] WY-CO Partnership Creating Regional Workforce S o lutions WY-CO Partners offer a wide range of services to employers. Many of these services can be customized to meet your needs. Please contact your local workforce center to learn more. Wyoming Depar tment o f Wo r k f o r c e S e r v i c e s 307-777-3711 w w w. w y o m i n g w o r k f o r c e . o r g Helping businesses save time and money while recruiting quali�ied individuals Employment Services o f We l d C o u n t y 970-353-3800 Wo r k f o r c e B o u l d e r C o u n t y 303-827-7428 w w w. w b c . o r g Larimer County Wo r k f o r c e C e n t e r 970-498-6647 w w w. l a r i m e r w o r k f o r c e . o r g Alisa Lane, Division Manager 970-590-7282 Pat Foose 303.588.8567 [email protected] 16 Kathy Glenn 720.253.5188 [email protected] BC Mobile Spa We Bring The Day Spa To YOU! Lori Schwallier 720.839.4246 [email protected] Stop by our booth for your free GIFT! Denise Wilts 303.514.8317 [email protected] WOMEN –TOOLS-KNOWLEDGE. PASS IT ON Terri Spencer 160 E. Ilex Court Milliken, CO 80543 970-388-7164 [email protected]