Chocolate Blues Business Networking Festival August 2013 | Page 12

sweet business connections • COLOR THEORY: What does it mean for your Brand? Color Theory is a science that studies how colors affect people. Every color creates a different feeling or reaction from people. Different people may react differently to the same color because of associations that they may have. However, in general, colors generate certain specific emotions. Some colors even have conflicting meanings depending on the context and the supporting colors. Red can represent love and passion, while at the same time represent anger and evil. Color plays an important role in the branding of your business. The colors you choose can either attract or deter the audience that you want to target. For example, you probably wouldn’t choose a red and black color scheme for a company that sells baby items. Red and black are very edgy and bold and most likely will not draw the eye of a customer shopping for baby clothes or accessories. A better choice would be more pastel colors or maybe even bright blues and pinks. Choosing a color scheme is not just about picking colors that you personally like. It needs to be based on the science of the colors and how you