“When someone shows
you who they are, believe
them the first time”
The Rock says,
“What we’ve
been cooking”
June 21st baby!!
My biggest mistake...
I don’t really believe in mistakes. I think everything is a
lesson, so I try not to look at decisions I have made as
mistakes bc they have all lead me to who and where I am
today. However, one time I wore converse to Magic Mountain (Great America) and I totally regretted it!!!
A ‘fave’ quote...
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the
first time”- Maya Angelou
What is some advice that you would give to someone
aspiring to become an actor...
If you’re serious about it you will eventually need to move
to LA. Study hard- learn the craft, its much more to acting
then people think. And never let anyone tell you you cant
do it. You can! Believe in yourself.
Tell us about the new HBO Series Ballers…and your
Character in this series...
Set in Miami, Ballers is a half-hour dramedy centered on a
group of current and former professional football players,
as well as their families, friends, and handlers. The series
goes beyond the game and explores not only the challenges
that current players face, but also takes a behind-thescenes, real look into their lives both on and off the field.
My character is Julie Greane, I am a sassy ambitious wife
of a retired football player who happens to be a doctor.
You get to Julie and her husband navigate life tighter post
football. You’re going to love her! I can not WAIT for you
to see what we have been working on! Or as The Rock
says, “What we’ve been cooking” June 21st baby!!