When it came time for actress
KATIE CASSIDY ( ARROW , GOSSIP GIRL ) and former attorney Lynsey Eaton to pick a place for their lifestyle site TOMBOY KC
Photography by Dani Sabol Styled by Alyssa Greene www . tomboykc . com @ tomboykc
When it came time for actress Katie Cassidy and former attorney Lynsey Eaton to pick a place for their lifestyle site Tomboy KC to call home , some were surprised to hear the pair chose Dallas , Texas . But after the founders of the popular blog walked us through a typical day in the Big D , the better question is , when are we booking a trip ?— - “ We knew that a lot was happening in the fashion world in Dallas ( where else in the U . S . has Chanel hosted a runway show ?), but before we moved we really had no idea what to expect outside of big hair and big personalities . After having spent so much time in L . A ., the pace of life and the warmness of Texans was incredibly refreshing . We like to say we were pleasantly surprised by Dallas .”