Table Lamp Robert Abbey Lamp in navy
Side Table Global vintage table
Mirror Roost Baroque carved mirror
Pilllow Manuel Canovas Dara
Max Rug in Violet & White - Meredith Heron Rugs by Weaver & Loom
Design is a balance between practical and
technical solutions and the artistic - finding
said balance is routinely a challenge. I often
spend hours slaving over the perfect tile
combination for a bathroom and lay awake
at night wondering what detail is missing
from a pillow or fabric story all the while
keeping a running tally of how much it is
all going to cost and if we are going to hit
our target budgets.
Design, when done well, ticks all of the
boxes. I’m not content with just doing well
however, I want my work to constantly
exceed my own expectations. I often have to
step outside of a project to check and see if
I’ve done what is expected or if I’m
missing an opportunity to really make a
bold statement. Sometimes bold statements
are more of a quiet hush so even that has to
be considered - knowing when to restrain is
an art form unto itself.
From the very beginning, I’ve always opted
to have pieces custom made. I insist on
custom drapery treatments for all of my
projects. If I can’t find the perfect piece of
furniture, I have it made. Truth be told,
custom isn’t nearly as expensive as you’d
think and when you weigh that against
the time it takes to hunt down the perfect
piece, it’s actually very affordable.