CHLOE Magazine Fall Winter 2015 Volume 6 Issue 1 | Página 43

BACK THEN, and now - just who is David BOWIE? Rebel Rebel, you’ve torn your dress Rebel Rebel, your face is a mess Rebel Rebel, how could they know? HOT TRAMP “I LOVE YOU SO!” Our lives are often shaped and made meaningful by the stars and celebrities who enter them. Our bedrooms can become shrines of longing, indetification and desire, and the friends we make and the LOVERS WE TAKE CAN GRAVITATE AROUND THE FAMOUS FIGURE WE TOGETHER SO ADMIRE. FOR THE WRITERS OF THIS PIECE, DAVID BOWIE IS ONE SUCH STAR-MAN: HIS MUSIC, LYRICS, WRITINGS AND PERFORMANCES ARE FELT TO WRAP THEMSELVES AROUND THEIR YOUTH, THEIR REBELLION, THEIR HURT, AND THEIR LOVE. words by Sean Redmond and Toija Cinque