Description: INDONESIA. Kubu, Bali. June 20th, 2013. The Kubu wreck was sunk in 2012 and is accessible off the beach,
located roughly 100-meters offshore and is approximately 60-meters in length. Built in Holland in 1952, the wreck was
used as a patrol vessel by the Indonesian Government for the department of sea communication.
My inspiration to pursue photography as a vocation has developed as a result of travelling, scuba diving and expedition mountaineering.
Additionally, photography has allowed me to achieve my goal of pursuing a career that allows me to express my creativity and manage
my professional photography business. As a native of New York, growing up in both the USA and Hong Kong has developed an
appreciation for diverse cultures and travel and developed a passion for outdoor pursuits, nature and marine conservation. My initial
passion for photography arose as a way to share my experiences, document my travels and explore my creative side. It has since
grown into a full-time pursuit over the last two years with the experience I have gained traveling and exploring.