CHLOE Magazine Fall 2013 Volume 4 Issue 3 | Page 54

It doesn’t take long before we launch into a discussion about the state of television and film today, in a time where both are so easily accessible, and advances in technology allow for us to work shows and movies around our daily lives and busy schedules. I ask Shawn whether he prefers television to film and he responds with a chuckle, saying that though TV provides more accessibility with the audience, as actors are in the intimate space of a viewer’s living room, film allows an actor to know his or her character better. Receiving a script allows an actor to see the development of their role throughout the film, but what about television? “Often, we learn very little about our characters as we go along,” Shawn says. Yet, he finds something exciting about not being given all of the information. Because television and film are both so accessible to the audience, with shows and movies available on Netflix, film seems a bit obsolete. But Shawn disagrees, stating that although things have definitely changed in the industry from the way they were 50 years ago, “There’s something different about going to a theatre and sitting in the dark.” For Shawn, that could never be recreated at home, in bed with a laptop. For Shawn, this collective feeling of having experienced something together, simultaneously, is a beautiful thing that the somewhat antisocial activity of watching television will always lack With the second season of The Following just around the corner, we can expect more amazing work from Mr. Ashmore. Shawn has grown from being a superhero from a small town in British Columbia, to a star on his hit TV series. The Following is more than just a title. He has his own now.