CHIONE MAGAZINE Special Edition Issue 'Prosperity' | Page 31

Hi my name is Mikey Wren. Most people refer to me as Mikey…The Kid Who Knows the Biz. I am an 11 years old CEO of Mikey munchies vending and author of two children books Mikey Learns about Business and Biz Is a Wiz. When I was asked What Prosperity means to me, multiple things come to my mind Money, Influence and Impact.

The first thing that comes to my mind is earning my own money. I’m able to buy what I want and what I need. I buy things like candy, shoes and virtual currency. I also put money in my college saving account. For me Prosperity is investing in my own future and building a legacy.

Lastly, Prosperity to me is Impact. I started my first business at 7 years old. I became a National Best Selling author at 10 years old. At 11 years old I am traveling the US and inspiring thousands of youth to work hard. I visit schools to read and share my story with other kids. My story inspires my peers to dream big! I couldn’t have done any of these things without hard work, dedication, family and friends. Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made. There is no one else on this whole planet like you. Always remember that nothing can stop you but you. You were made to prosper and do big things, no matter your age.

The second thing is using my Influence to give back. As a young business owner I am considered a leader in my community. For example I started a toy drive for kids in my school district. With the help of my community we collected over 400 toys. I wanted other kids and adults to see that little people can do big things too! Another way I like to give back is by visiting schools to read and share my story with other kids. My story inspires my peers to dream big!!

The kid who knows the Biz!!