CHIONE MAGAZINE "Issue 6" 2019's Winter | Page 14


We love our profession and we see this as our career in the future, we truly believe this is something we can have longevity in and we have a passion for it, so if we have fun this will never feel like work. One of the most important things we think you should remember is to recall who was with you since day one through thick and thin. Knowing that you don’t have to change who you are, be unapologetic about who you are. Have communication, open mindedness to others opinions and ideas, and have fun!


There are a lot about being a performer that enchants me but the process of creating music is my favorite. I love to be in the studio and work with my vocal coach to expand my range. In my opinion the best song we have ever created was ‘Day 1” the combination between the beat and attitude of the lyrics gives the song an intoxicating feeling. As the tides changes as do my role models at this time my role model is HER. Danileigh is my utmost favorite artist due to her swag and how she is able to be diverse between her tracks.