CHIONE MAGAZINE "Issue 6" 2019's Winter | Page 12




Hello everyone! I’m A-Ni, I’m Mimi, and I’m Kena, we’re the MAKO Girls! Our journey as a sister group began by dancing in a crew with our cousins. One day after attending a Mindless Behavior meet and greet we watched their documentary and were struck with inspiration to reinvent our own interpretation of the performance. The three of us researched different vocal coaches and in our pursuit found Mr. James Slaughter from Marvelous Enterprise. Ever since October of 2013 we have been known as the MAKO Girls. The first song we wrote was ‘Turning Up the Crowd’ (T. U. T. C.). Our inspiration originates from artists such as Mindless Behavior, TLC, Missy Elliot, Aaliya, and Katy Perry. Love for music, our family, fans and friends are the motivation for our music. Being able to express ourselves and connect with people through singing and rapping is another key reason we continue as the MAKO girls. Like anything in life we have had our challenges. In the past we would sacrifice time with friends and family, in addition to not doing school activities due to rehearsals, shows, etc. The crucial reminder that we didn’t have enough followers which hindered us from obtaining bigger opportunities.

Counterbalancing our challenges, are our accomplishments.Opening for Mindless Behavior, performing for Keke Wyatt at her baby shower, having multiple shows overseas, establishing our annual concert, the Carnival Glow Party, are a few of our greatest achievements. However, even with these achievements we have not arrived at our fullest success level, we are still continuing to work hard to get there and be the next big thing to blow.