China Programs Newsletter Volume 1 | Page 19

China Programs hosted a photo contest – “Colorado Through Our Eyes”. There are three categories – people, place and international rams. We collected photo submissions from March 2 to March 11 and got 28 photos from 15 photographers. We shared all the submissions with OIP staff, Confucius Institute, CSSA leaderships and people, who work closely with China Programs and let them vote for TOP 10. Since these are all amazing photos, we finally selected TOP 13 for the exhibition. China Programs collaborated with Morgan Library and had a photo exhibition in the library lobby (by the coffee shop) from March 25 – April 10. During this period, people can vote through Facebook, Wechat as well as write a voting ticket in the library.

We got some really good feedback from the library exhibition. Some people came from off-campus for the exhibit; a student in the journalism program would like to interview some photographers to talk about expanding our world view on campus; some people wrote emails to express they really enjoyed it. Here is one email example. “I really enjoyed this exhibit! I love seeing how Chinese students felt connected to CSU and Colorado!” Though this event, Chinese students’ talent in photograph is known and noticed by people around the campus. When we counted the ballots, we found not only Chinese but people from different countries voted and supported this event. The lucky prize goes to an American student – Eric Thomas. Below are the winners of the contest.

Best Photo: Colorado Winter by Linghan Su

1st Place: Friendship by Lan Zhou

2nd Place: A Lost Elk by Zhuo Zhao; Dance by Jie Wang

3rd Place: Leaves – Fall by Han Zhang; Sunset Glow by Chengyu Fan; Lakeside by Jie Wang

中国项目主办了“我眼中的科罗拉多”摄影大赛。共有三个大类,分别是人物、风景和CSU的生活。 3月2日到3月11日,我们收到了来自15名学生摄影爱好者的28幅摄影作品。我们将所有提交的作品分享给所有国际办公室的老师、孔子学院、中国学生学者联合会以及所有和中国项目有关的教授和行政人员,让他们评选出最佳的10幅作品。由于所提交的作品都非常优秀,我们最终选出了13幅照片进行展示。中国ixangmu和Morgan图书馆进行合作,于3月25日至4月10日在图书馆的大厅举办了摄影展。在此期间,前来欣赏作品的人可以通过Facebook,微信或现场填写表格为喜欢的作品进行投票。

通过在图书馆的展示,我们获得了非常好的反馈。一些人特意从校外前来欣赏这些摄影作品;一名学习传媒的学生对其中几位摄影师进行了采访,分享如何在校园内扩展学生们的国际视野;我们还收到一些邮件表示他们非常喜欢此次摄影展,这里罗列一些我们收到的邮件:“我非常喜欢这次摄影展。很高兴能看见中国学生非常享受在CSU,在科罗拉多州的生活。” 通过这次活动,中国学生在摄影方面的才能在全校范围内得到了学生和老师的认可。当我们统计选票时,我们发现不仅仅是中国学生,美国学生以及其他国家的学生也都非常支持并参与此次活动。最后一份参与投票的幸运奖由一名美国学生Eric Thomas获得。以下是此次摄影大赛的获奖名单。

最佳摄影奖:科罗拉多的冬天 - 苏凌汉

一等奖:友谊 - 周澜

二等奖:迷失的麋鹿 - 赵茁;起舞 - 王杰

三等奖: 秋天的落叶-张寒;晚霞 - 范成瑜;

湖边 - 王杰

Spring 2016