China Programs Newsletter China Programs Newsletter Fall 2016 | Page 43

During October 2016, a delegation from Colorado State University traveled to China to take part in two symposia on Global Social, Ecological, and Hydrological Importance. The delegation was led by Dr. Wei Gao, Associate Provost for China Programs and consisted of five faculty and affiliate faculty members (Drs. Steven Fassnacht, John Moore, Thomas Borch, Aditi Bhaskar, Xin-Zhong Liang) and research associate (Laurie Richards). The symposia were co-sponsored by Southwest University in Chongqing and East China Normal University in Shanghai. The events were also co-sponsored by the Confucius Institute at CSU.

The Southwest University (SWU) symposium was held on October 27, 2016. The titled of the symposium was “Uncertainty in Water Resources and Environmental Sustainability”. Opening remarks were given by SWU Vice-President Jin Yule and CSU Assistant Provost Wei Gao, followed by ten additional jointly arranged presentations by CSU and SWU faculty.

The East China Normal University (ECNU) symposium was held on October 28th, hosted at their campus located in Shanghai. The title of the symposium was “Uncertainty in Urban Water and Environmental Sustainability,” held on October 28. This was the third annual ECNU-CSU Joint Symposium on Urban Water. Drs. Kai Yang and Yue Che, ECNU Professors of Environmental Science, opened the symposium with a brief introduction on the ECNU-CSU Cooperation on Urban Water Management, which was followed by nine talks jointly presented by CSU and ECNU faculty and researchers.

2016年10月,科罗拉多州立大学代表团访问中国并参加了两场关于全球社会、生态以及水文重要性的研讨会。分管中国项目的副校长高炜教授以及5名相关领域的教授和研究员(包括 Steven Fassnacht, John Moore, Thomas Borch, Aditi Bhaskar, Xin-Zhong Liang和Laurie Richards)代表科罗拉多州立大学出席了研讨会。研讨会由重庆的西南大学、上海的华东师范大学以及科罗拉多州立大学孔子学院共同承办。


第二场研讨会于2016年10月28日在上海华东师范大学召开。研讨会的主题是“城市水资源的不确定性和环境的可持续发展”。这是华东师范大学和科罗拉多州立大学共同承办的第三届关于城市水方面的联合研讨会。华东师范大学环境科学的杨凯教授和车越教授致了开幕词并介绍了两校在城市水管理方面的合作 ,随后两校的教授和研究员们进行了9场与主题相关的演讲和探讨。

FALL 2016