China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2019 | Page 30

Chinese Foreign Policy Think Tanks’ Policy Influence er, he may hear some idea from an expert and agree with it. In this way, policy influence is immediately achieved. Sometimes, important political dignitaries may leave a high-level forum or other form of meeting after they present keynote speeches, because they are very busy, but afterwards they may spend some time to read the briefings or records of that meeting, particularly those records of policy discussions. So, case studies are needed for analyzing specific circumstances on specific policy issues. After a clarification of all these types, it is practicable to make a more detailed calculation on the participatory rates of various groups of political actors in each type of CIIS and SIIS meetings. Tables 4 and 5 list the results of this calculation on CIIS and SIIS, respectively. Table 3: Characteristics of Six Major Types of Meetings Frequently Held by CIIS and SIIS Types of meetings Characteristics of meetings I. Highlevel forum II. Workshop program III. Regular dialogue IV. Symposium on specific issues V. Lecture meeting VI. Bilateral meeting Total number of participants Large (50–200) Middle (20–50) Uncertain Middle– small (10–50) Small (10–30) Small (10–30) Degree of formalness Highly formal Very formal Very formal Formal Less formal Less formal Level of institutionalization Uncertain High Very high Uncertain Low Uncertain Extensiveness of representation High High to medium Medium Medium Low Low Concentration of issues Low Medium High High Very high Uncertain Time span 1–2 days 3–10 days 1–2 days 1–2 days 0.5–1 days 0.5–1 days Table 4 shows the details of the CIIS’s connections with the four “subfields” of politics, academia (including other think tanks), business, and media within China’s “field of power” through BRI meetings. It displays the varied closeness of CIIS’s links with each of these four subfields and indicates the different importance of each subfield as a channel for CIIS to exert its BRI policy influence. Also, this table tells the frequencies of each type of meeting held by CIIS, depicting the significance of each type in CIIS’s effort to influence BRI policy. 21