China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 2, Fall 2019 | Page 22

Chinese Foreign Policy Think Tanks’ Policy Influence ership felt overly pressed by excessively chaotic and complex internal and external situations that developed beyond its capacity to maintain an efficient control for extracting resources from below, it delegated decision-making power, including the power to take decisions on specific foreign policy-related issues of technical nature, to provincial and even below-provincial level. (Cao, 2011; Chung, 2000; Landry 2008) Then the horizontal fragmentation became more prominent along the executive levels, as the black-lined boxes indicated in Figure 3. In this way, “stove-piping” mechanism would be substantially weakened. More information, resources, and power would flow downward to provincial actors, and the leadership of provincial party and government’s apparatus over provincial think tanks would be strengthened. Under such circumstances, provincial think tanks might obtain more resources and information horizontally from provincial leadership and consequently, their policy influence would be strengthened in comparison to central-level think tanks. On the other hand, whenever the top leaders felt confident enough to establish a strong domination, or feared a potential unraveling of its control over provinces, it might retrieve the previously delegated power and shifted to recentralization, building up a momentum for vertical fragmentation, as is shown in the dotted-lined boxes in Figure 3. Under such circumstances, “stove-piping” would be strengthened, and the differentiated positions of central and provincial think tanks would get more and more aggravated. Figure 3: The Horizontal and Vertical Fragmentation of China’s Policymaking In general, both vertical and horizontal fragmentation coexist at any specific time spot and form a crisscrossed complex “labyrinth” of policymaking and policy influence. The dynamic of vertical fragmentation shapes the “stove-piping” because it drives the division of power and resources along functional competence of ministerial system. Meanwhile, the dynamic of 13