China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 90

Subjective and Objective Air Quality in Urban China 响公民对空气质量的看法进行了探索。在对各种混杂变量进行控制后 , 笔者发现主观空气质量与客观空气质量呈正相关 , 而环境透明度对此关系有负向调节作用。该项研究结果对环境政策、政府绩效衡量和透明度产生了重大的理论和实践意义。 关键词 : 环境污染 , 空气质量 , 中国 , 主观绩效衡量 , 政府透明度 Introduction Due to fast industrialization and sweeping urbanization in China, environmental pollutions have been jeopardizing China’s economic and biological sustainability. Environmental pollutions have ignited public outcry and social unrest, which may undermine the ruling party’s regime support and legitimacy. Citizen’s political actions related to environmental degradation are largely determined by their perceptions of environmental pollutions, which are subjective and socially constructed. Existing studies on air pollution in China in social sciences, however, are mainly conducted by ecologists and economists, considering air pollution as independent variables and using objective air quality indicators from government archives to examine its impacts on public health, happiness, life satisfaction, and political actions such as social protest and emigration (e.g., Qin and Zhu 2018; Smyth, Mishra, and Qian 2008; Wang and Cheng 2017). With few exceptions (Li and Xue 2016; Shi 2015), studies on perceived environmental pollution in China are lacking. Citizens’ perceptions of air quality are a social and psychological construct, jointly influenced by environmental pollution and information availability. The objective measurement and subjective perception of air pollution are conceptually different and empirically discernable, and it is of theoretical relevance and policy importance to examine the discrepancies between subjective and objective environmental quality. A recent study reveals that perceived government’s efforts in addressing environment issues significantly influence residents’ environmental perceptions in a coal-mining region in northern China. Controlling for government efforts, however, objective environmental indicators do not significantly impact subjective environmental perceptions (Shi 2015). In this study, we focus on one of the government efforts in addressing environmental pollution, information transparency. Environment transparency is considered as an essential part of global environmental governance (Gupta 2010). It is believed that environmental transparency can protect individuals from environmental harms, 87