China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 83

China Policy Journal From equity point of view, as most of upstream cities located in the inland China are also at the same time less developed cities, the further is the city located in the upstream end, further its river cleanup effort will be recognized and well compensated. The numbers proposed in our study for the PES standard are certainly specific to the case of the Xijiang River. Although it is technically feasible to use the estimated coefficients from the models reported in Table 1 to extrapolate the impact of transboundary pollution on the variation of people’s WTP in specific cities, such extrapolation still produces biases. These biases can come from the fact that different rivers present different bio-physical characteristics or that the cities located along a river may have particular geographical patterns and specific mutual economic relationships. Admitting that not all these specificities can be considered with the coefficients obtained from cities belonging to another river drainage basin, we welcome more high-quality stated preference studies to be conducted and used as bases for the proposal of PES payment standards. Such measures will make it possible to compare the results from different regions and river basins and thus facilitates a more practical discussion about whether it is reasonable to extrapolate the results for one drainage basin to another. References Bateman, Ian J., Georgina M. Mace, Carlo Fezzi, Giles Atkinson, Kerry Turner (2011). Economic Analysis of Ecosystem Service Assessments. Environmenal and Resource Economics, 48: 177-218. Cai, B., G. Lu, and L. Song. 2008. “The Ecological Compensation Standardization for Ecological Restoration: A Case Study of Ecological Restoration in the Water Resource Protection Zone for Eastern South-to-North Water Transfer Project.” ACTA Ecologica Sinica 28 (5): 2413-16. (In Chinese) Cai, W., S. Yang, S. Wang, and N. Zhou. 2010. “A Study on Externality Problems and Countermeasures of Establishing Wetlands Nature Reserve: Take Tianjin Qilihai Wetland as an Example.” Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition) 16 (6): 10-15. (in Chinese) Desaigues, B., and P. Point. 1993. Économie du Patrimoine Naturel. La valorisation des bénéfices de protection de l’environnement, 317 p. Paris: Economica. Fu, Y., B. Ruan, and C. Zhang. 2011. “Research on the Ecological Compensation Standard of Yongding River Basin.” Journal of China Institute Water Resource and Hydropower Research 9 (4): 283-91. (In Chinese) Harrison, G.W., and E.E. Rutström. 2008. “Experimental Evidence on the Existence of Hypothetical Bias in Value Elicitation Methods.” In Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, edited by C.R. Plott, and V.L. Smith, 752-67. New York: North Holland. 80