China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 72

Payment for Ecological Services and River Transboundary Pollution city D because of the water quality improvement efforts of city C. This motivates a transfer from D to C equal to w D (Q CD -Q BC )>0. We also have w D (Q BC - Q AB )<0, which means a transfer to receive by D from B. Since Q CD =II and Q AB =II, we have (Q CD -Q BC )=-(Q BC -Q AB ); therefore,W D (Q CD -Q BC )=W D (Q BC -Q AB ), which signifies that the transfer from D to C for welfare increase is equal to the transfer from B to D as compensation for welfare decrease. Therefore, the transfer from B to D is simply used by D to compensate C for its abatement efforts. An intuitive way to interpret such double-transfers is that the “polluter” city B compensates the “cleaner” city C for its effort that prevents the negative externality of city B’s transboundary pollution from affecting city D. Finally, for city F, since Q DF =III, which means that city D creates transboundary pollution to F, W F (Q DF -III)>0 However, the total WTP changes can also be decomposed into four parts: (Q DF - Q CD )>0, (Q CD -Q BC )<0, (Q BC -Q AB )>0, (Q AB -II)=0 and (Q CD -Q BC )=-(Q BC -Q AB ). Therefore, we can distinguish a compensation transfer from D to F, as W F (Q DF -Q CD )<0, and a compensation transfer from B to F, as W F (Q BC -Q AB )<0. The latter part is then transferred to the cleaner part, the city C, as W F (Q CD -Q )=-W (Q -Q B- )>0. 5. Application of C F BC AB the New PES Standard Setting Regime using He, Huang, and Xu (2015a) 5. Application of the New PES Standard Setting Regime using He, Huang, and Xu (2015a) This new PES payment standard setting regime implies an important fact: the payments between upstream and downstream cities should be based not on the current pollution situation of river sections across the cities but on that of the transboundary section flowing between the cities. This requires the stated preference studies to include both information types in the estimation of WTP, which thus makes it possible to isolate the part of the WTP variation in one city due to the transboundary pollution coming from its neighbors. Among the numerous stated preference valuation studies that aimed to provide a payment standard for river related ecological services, we have been able to identify only one paper that directly studied the influence of the transboundary water pollution on the WTP of people in China, that of He, Huang, and Xu (2015a), which is based on an in-person CVM survey conducted in 2012 in the 20 cities of four provinces (Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong) of southern China belonging to the Xijiang river basin. The Xijiang River is the main channel and longest tributary of the Pearl River (cf. Figure 5). The Xijiang River flows for 2,217 kilometers from the north of Yunnan province eastward across Guizhou province and Guangxi province and through the Pearl River delta in Guangdong province and final- 69