China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 61

China Policy Journal 支付原则作为更好生态服务的补偿标准 , 可能会将上游城市所造成的污染与该城市自身活动产生的污染混为一谈。因此 , 这往往会夸大所需的赔偿金 ; 对于西江流域来说 , 这种夸张程度可达 2 至 10 倍。笔者还将其结果与新安江 PES 试点项目的结果进行了对比 , 该项目的转移金额随意定为每年 5 亿元 , 这大约是佛山市向中山市支付赔偿金的 86% 。人们普遍认为 , 目前在现有试点项目中使用的资金转移相对较少 , 可能会抑制沿江城市想要努力促进生态服务保护的动机。笔者的结果为这一看法提供了有力论证。 关键词 : 生态服务付费 , 支付标准 , 跨界河流污染 , 支付意愿原则 (WTP), 中国 1. Introduction River flows create upstream and downstream regions. However, administrative boundaries between regions do not prevent pollution in the water from crossing regional borders. Such difficulties in clearly defining the property rights of the river water flowing through different administration jurisdictions because of the weak excludability and strong rivalry of the water resources (in both terms of quality and quantity) can lead to the non-satisfaction of the basic Samuelson rules (1954). Therefore, an upstream region that is not able to enjoy the full benefits of its water conservation and pollution control efforts may exert insufficient control, which results in the overuse of water resources and the increased discharge of pollution. Most large-scale river basins in China (e.g., the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Xining River) span several regional jurisdictions (provinces, regions and cities). Although environmental policy is often centrally developed and local jurisdictions can only set their own environmental standards to more stringent levels than those of the national level, implementation responsibilities are devolved to the branch offices of the Ministry of Environment Protection (MEP), which operate at the provincial, municipal and county levels (Hills and Roberts 2001). Combining these two facts, we believe that there is the possibility of a problem of transboundary river water pollution for China’s rivers. Further supportive arguments for such a possibility can be made by considering the complexities and fragmentation in water resource management between the different authorities in China. Yu (2011) has described the complex relationships between the Ministry of Water Resource Management (MWRM), which addresses water quantity and water utilization, and the MEP, which coordinates and solves 58